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Deploying a smart contract


This guide will walk you through deploying a smart contract on the Ronin network using Foundry. Foundry is a fast, portable, and modular toolkit for smart contract development.

Did you know?

The Ronin Developer Console offers selected ERC20 and ERC721 contract templates for quick and easy click & deploy.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  • Foundry installed (Installation Guide)
  • A wallet private key with sufficient RON for deployment gas fees

1. Create a New Foundry Project

forge init my-ronin-contract
cd my-ronin-contract

2. Write a Simple Smart Contract

Navigate to src/Counter.sol and replace its content with:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

contract Counter {
uint256 public count;

function increment() public {
count += 1;

function add(uint256 value) public {
count += value;

3. Configure Foundry for Ronin

Edit foundry.toml to include:

ronin = ""
Public RPC endpoints

Check out our Network information to find a list of public RPC endpoints.

4. Update the test file

By default, Foundry includes a test file in the test directory, which might cause build failures. Update test/Counter.t.sol with the following content or alternatively add the --skip test flag in step 5.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../src/Counter.sol";

contract CounterTest is Test {
Counter public counter;

function setUp() public {
counter = new Counter();

function testIncrement() public {
assertEq(counter.count(), 1);

function testAdd() public {
assertEq(counter.count(), 5);

5. Compile the Smart Contract

Run the following command to compile your contract:

forge build

6. Deploy the Contract

Use your private key to deploy the contract:

forge create --rpc-url ronin --private-key 0xYourPrivateKey src/Counter.sol:Counter

This will return a contract address upon successful deployment.

7. Verify Deployment

You can verify the deployment by calling the count function:

cast call 0xContractAddress "count()(uint256)" --rpc-url ronin

8. Interact with the add Function

You can call the add function to increase the counter by a specified value:

cast send 0xContractAddress "add(uint256)" 3 --rpc-url ronin --private-key 0xYourPrivateKey

This will add 3 to the current counter value.

To check the updated count:

cast call 0xContractAddress "count()(uint256)" --rpc-url ronin


You’ve successfully deployed a smart contract on the Ronin network using Foundry. Next, you can interact with your contract, write tests, or explore more advanced Foundry features!